22 Jul

Video games bless us with countless hours of enjoyment and distraction from the world that is burning down around us.  Today we will mark the top 10 best video games of all time.

Well let's stop playing around and just get right into the list, short and sweet:

  1. World of Warcraft
    Insane reply value, unlimited fun

  2. Elder Scrolls Skyrim
    Unlimited roleplaying

  3. Assassins Creed Black Flag
    By the the best entry in the Assassins Creed Series

  4. Unreal Tournament 1999
    The best FPS ever made, hands down without a doubt.

  5. Fallout New Vegas
    There are like 7 fallout games, this one is the best, just play it and you will find out why

  6. Farcry 3
    Another game with 5+ entries, guess what? They made it perfect in Farcry 3, the rest are just imitations.

  7. Mario Kart DoubleDash for GameCube
    I will make a couple console recommendations, this game has unlimited replay value and is a childhood favorite.

  8. Super Smash Bros for GameCube
    Smash your bros, duh

  9. StarCraft
    It's the technological equivalent to shagging.

  10. Doom
    This game invented video games.  Carmack, Romero, and god himself blessed us with it.
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